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  • anthonycole 9:04 am on June 23, 2009 Permalink  

    I’m a wee bit behind with exams and suc… 

    I’m a wee bit behind with exams and such (and updating everyone to my status) 🙂 but this is what we’ve basically decided to do with my project after a conversation between Andy, Myself, and Jake.

    We are assuming here that users are already registered and the site is already set up similar to wordcamp.org. The scope of the project is going to be to allow users to create/RSVP to events and within those events, either watch or attend events. We’ll add more on if there’s time.

    I’ve started coding the basic framework of the project and I’ve got a chunk of the core classes done.

    I’m trying to get something to show as soon as possible for everyone, because I know there’s heaps of people excited to see it and I’m anxious to see how the final product looks as well, so I’m just going to keep on coding the night away in the cold somwhat snow-filled winter we’re currently experiencing here (roads/school closed, quite fun).

    • Jane Wells 8:48 pm on July 4, 2009 Permalink

      Have you investigated existing plugins such as BP-events?

    • Jane Wells 8:52 pm on July 4, 2009 Permalink

      Also, midterms are this week, and there should be a functioning plugin available for testing, as per the original terms. Do you anticipate having something (even if it is rough looking) functional by next week’s midterm date?

  • anthonycole 3:32 pm on May 23, 2009 Permalink
    Tags: devel survery evmsuite   

    I guess I should update this thing every… 

    I guess I should update this thing every once in a while as well :).

    I’ve been doing a bit of brainstorming over the last few days as my project is so broad and I just can’t do it all at once.

    I guess I’ll put a little survey out there and ask: is there anything that really bugs you guys about putting an event together? Do you find anything annoying? I’m not just talking about a WordCamp, it could be lunch with a group of friends or a group project meeting. I’m finding that things tend to repeat themselves even at a larger scale, and it would be best to get a ton of user input on this.

    • Jane Wells 5:57 pm on May 26, 2009 Permalink

      Anthony, I’ll get in touch with you about prioritizing features.

  • anthonycole 5:30 am on April 22, 2009 Permalink

    Kia Ora Everyone, My name’s Anthony Co… 

    Kia Ora Everyone,

    My name’s Anthony Cole and I’m from a small corner of the South Pacific we like to call New Zealand. I’m originally from the Silicon Valley area, but moved to Australia for my last year of high school and somehow found my way here (long story). Should also mention that I’m GMT+12.

    I am currently studying a foundation course for Health Science at the University of Otago on the South Island and will be doing a course in medicine either here or at the University of Sydney next year.

    I am a freelance web developer on the side at http://freshpacific.co.nz (which has been severely neglected, thus the blank directory). I do theme development and plugin development as well as everything in general.

    I am going to be working on the Event Management Suite with Jake Spurlock. We’re going to hopefully be using it to orchestrate WordCamp NZ in Wellington, and, time permitting, for WordCamp Australia later this year.

    I’m really excited to be able to participate in GSoC and can’t wait to see what the final product of all our hard work is going to be.

    You probably see me in IRC occasionally as lightbook if any of you frequent it.

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